Might is Right?

Judgement was given based on your duelling skills in the Middle Ages in Europe!

In the Middle Ages there were no lawyers or courts so, people gave judgement based on your duelling skills! Duelling is a sport where the people who want justice sit on horseback or sometimes even on foot and fight with swords and spears. But in duelling you’re not allowed to try to hurt your opponent. You can hit your opponent’s weapons. Duelling also spread to North America when settlers took the sport there in the 1600s.


The Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted only for 38 minutes!

On 27th August 1896, the British attacked the Zanzibar Sultanate. The cause of the battle was that the Zanzibaris wanted one sultan while the British wanted another. The Zanzibaris lost 500 men that day while only 1 British sailor was injured! All this lasted for only 38 minutes! In the end the British won the battle and installed the sultan they wanted.


The oldest tree in the world is 9,550 years old!

The oldest tree on Earth is in the Dalarna province of Sweden. It is a 13 ft tall Norway spruce tree (Christmas tree) It is said that it started growing at the end of the last Ice Age. Most Norway spruce trees live for about 600 years, but they can produce a new stem after the old one dies. This increases the tree’s life expectancy. But it is possible that the trees trunk and stem may have not been there when the last Ice Age ended. But its 9,550 year old roots surely have!

