Police Monkeys of Ancient Egypt


Ancient Egyptians used police dogs and monkeys!


The ancient Egyptian kingdoms had a police force called the ‘Medjay’. The ‘Medjay’ used to guard important noblemen and public places. However, did you know that the ‘Medjay’ were assisted by police dogs and monkeys?!


A dining table in a palace in Gwalior has a toy train running on it!

Gwalior is a city in Madhya Pradesh, India. It was a princely state ruled by the Scindias, a Maratha dynasty. The Scindias were a very wealthy royal family. The 5th ruler of Gwalior, Maharaja Sir Madho Rao Scindia loved machines and technology. So, he decided to install a toy train on the banquet table in his Jai Vilas palace! The maharaja ordered a toy train from the British company, Basset Lowke in 1906. The toy train engine was made of silver with carriages that carried crystal and silver decanters. He had special mini tracks laid on the table and the silver engine was soon chugging down the table. The train delivered cigars and various drinks to his guests.

Spiked dog collars were invented by the ancient Greeks!

The ancient Greeks used dogs to protect their livestock from wild animals like wolves. Hence, the dogs were given leather collars with nails studded in them to protect their neck from a bite of a wild animal!




  1. Egyptians Police using Dogs & Monkeys 🐒🤔🤔......... interesting

    Toy train of Scindia Maharaja is ONE of its kind . Very beautiful and unique.👍🏻

    Didn’t the Greek dogs get hurt by the spikes 😳


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