Habits of the Stone-Agers

WWhat do you think Stone-Age boys and girls would have used as toilet paper?

Do you think they used toilet paper? They would not have used toilet paper because they had just started making stone tools like hand axes, stone hammers, stone arrowheads and spearheads. They may still not have known the use of fire. They were hunter-gatherers and were not settled in a certain place. Therefore, they used only natural materials and according to you which material do you think was soft enough that it would not injure our delicate bottoms? The answer is moss! 

This soft and mushy material was available easily and in abundance. A Stone-Ager living in the Ice-Age was found well preserved in ice with a woven grass handbag that contained lumps of moss. According to archaeologists, this moss was his toilet paper.

Have you ever heard of a butterfly in a Neanderthal’s grave?!

You must have heard about Egyptian mummies buried with grave goods such as gold and silver. 

But have you heard about an insect as a grave good? An ancient Neanderthal grave found on the Turkish border was found with a butterfly as a grave good. 


Today my mother was reminding me for the 10th time to brush my teeth, when I thought did Stone-Agers brush their teeth? 

It seems Stone-Agers did brush their teeth twice a day- after waking up and before going to bed like modern humans.


  1. Came across your blog sinceand you are talking about Mom, it is not difficult to assume your age. It is absolutely fantastic that you have taken to writing. This journey will take you to places which only the traveller knows and appreciates. The key thing being curious as is your name. I would love to hear more from you on this blogpost.

  2. Boy you are incredible to blog about the stone age at this age. Writing is a fascinating journey and more you write the better you get. I will keep showing up here to see what you got next. I want you to know that I did not know 2 of the three facts that you talked about. Congratulations and let’s hear more facts about the tripartite divisions of the historic time periods. Love the name “ Curiologist”

  3. Good one boy, these thought never came to my mind :)

  4. Arjun its too good information .
    I would like to have more information .
    Congrats .

  5. Well done Curiologist! I liked how you brought in your mom's reference, just makes it lively. Way to go...

  6. Well written and researched young man. Keep it up.


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