CurioQuiz II

1.Which of these fish lived before the dinosaurs and exist even today?
a) coelacanths b) angel fish c) fishosaurus

2. When did the Little Ice Age start?
a) 11000 BCE b) 1300's c) 2019 CE

3. What does the word "Mohenjo-daro" mean?
a) city of the Aryans b) mound of the dead c) the desert city

4. In which civilization archaeologists have not found any weapons?
a) Egyptian Civilization
b) Mayan Civilization
c) Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization)

5. Vindaloo is a dish native to which country?
a) Portugal b) India c) South Africa


Coelacanths- Coelacanths are fish that live in the Indian Ocean. Scientists believed that they went extinct about 70 million years ago. But in 1938 a few  fishermen caught a strange looking fish near the coast of South Africa. The fishermen called a famous scientist to look at it. The scientist soon figured out that it was a coelacanth, by comparing the fossils. Think there are any T-Rex's still alive?!

1300's- The Little Ice Age was a period where the winters were colder than those of the 20th century. The Little Ice Age lasted from the 1300's to 1870.

Mound of the Dead- Mohenjo-daro is one the most popularly known Indus Valley Civilization city. The word Mohenjo-daro is the Sindhi word for Mound of the Dead. The name was given to that ancient city by the villagers living near by.


Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization)- The Indus Valley or Harappan Civilization was established on the banks of the river Indus. It's most popular cities are Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. The Harrapans were a peaceful people and there is no recorded information that they waged war. The only weapons that have been discovered are weapons that were used to slaughter animals and to cut objects. This could have been the reason that they were captured by a more warring peoples who called themselves the Aryans. Wish our modern governments would be like this?

Portugal- The "Indian" dish vindaloo actually originated in the Portuguese colony of Goa, India. It was eaten by the Portuguese living there. The word vindaloo is also an Indian pronunciation of the Portuguese word carne' de vinha d' alhos.   

Now it’s time for the prizes:

If you got all 5 right, then you should try starting your own blog. 
If you got 4 right, then you’re a Curiologistly certified History Geek!
If you got 3 right, then you’re a Good Historian.
If you got 2 right, then good work, but keep trying.
If you got 0-1 right, then you're reading the right blog, you should get all 5 right the next time you answer a Curioquiz.


  1. Hi Arjun.Am your grand aunt/ grandson.I happen to like history.I got 4 correct.Congrats dear Arjun! I like your sense of observation and perception.


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