Curioquiz IV (Podcast)

Listen to this edition of the CurioQuiz on an audio blog by clicking the link below or read the transcript if you would like ! 

Like any sport, the quiz is also about taking part in, and not so much about winning or losing. If you know the answers, that’s great! But if you don’t know some of them, or even all of them, you need not worry. I am not just going to share the answers but also the interesting facts related to them. So, without further ado, let’s begin the game !

The first question:

1. We all know the Colloseum is in Rome, but can you guess what the Romans may have used to wash their clothes?

a) Human pee pee b) Cow dung  or c) Washing powder ?

If your answer is a - Human urine then you are right ! Since the Romans built many public toilets with urinals in them, they thought of ways to use even a waste product in an innovative way, which was  to wash clothes? You may want to read Rotten Romans by the author Terry Deary to find out more about this and similar rotten facts about the Romans.

 2. You all must have ordered Chow-mein or Chopsuey in your favourite Chinese restaurant, be it in India or in America, but do you know where these two dishes may have originated?

a) China b) America c) Japan

I think many of you may have got this answer right. American- Chop suey is a dish enjoyed across America. It includes a mixture of chicken’s gizzards and livers, fungi, bamboo buds, pig’s tripe and bean sprouts stewed with spices. It is said that it was invented by a Chinese cook in California when he was faced with an empty larder and waiting customers. So, the cook made a dish with the leftovers he had. When he was asked by his customers what the dish was called, he replied, Chop suey which means ‘odds and ends’.

 3. Which of these dishes would have been on the breakfast menu of an average British family living in colonial India?

a) Duck stew b) Fish and chips c) Oats porridge

Duck stews- A certain book mentions that a typical British breakfast included dishes like mutton chops, chicken cutlets, devilled kidneys, many kinds of egg dishes, prawn do-piaza, many types of breads and kedgeree.

 4. This one may leave a bad taste in your mouth. Sorry about that, but can you guess how many people are claimed to have been eaten by a Fijian tribal chief, in the book ‘A curious history of food and drink’ by author Ian Crofton?

a) 10  b) 872  c) 43

872- A Fijian chief called Ratu Udre Udre was said to have eaten 872 people! And ate every part of the victims including the head and saved what he couldn’t eat at one banquet for the next! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Cannibalism in Fiji also led it to be called the Cannibal Isles.

5. What did the Native Americans drink chocolate with?

a) Marshmallows b) Sugar c) Chilies

Chilies- Chocolate itself is bitter to taste, so it is needed that some other ingredient is added. But in the Americas, there was no sweet thing other than fruits that could be used originally. So, what did the Native Americans do, they did the opposite! They made the liquid spicy, instead of sweet by adding chilies! The first modern chocolate bars were made only in 1847!

