Quarantine of the 1300s

The first quarantine was implemented in 1377!

Quarantine is method where people carrying a contagious disease are not allowed to go out of their residence. So, now do you want to know when the first one was implemented? In the 1300s and early 1400s the Black Death or the Biblical Plague swept through Europe claiming many lives. The Black Death was caused by fleas which were infected with the plague. As it was a contagious disease the people near you may have got it too. So, the people living in Dubrovnik, Croatia implemented the first quarantine ever in 1377.

Sailors mistook manatees as mermaids!

A manatee is a large grey coloured herbivorous marine mammal. The manatee from a distance looks like a mermaid because its tail looks like a fish’s and its body like human. It was also eaten by sailors travelling to the Americas. They described it as being as tasty as pork.

An American man invented pink lemonade!

In 1857 an American called Pete Conklin came up with a novelty drink for rich Americans: pink lemonade! He used all the same ingredients except one, a bucket of water in which a horse-rider had soaked his red tights in!
