Tea In the Tank

All British tanks are equipped with tea-making equipment!

Since 1945 all British tanks have had tea-making equipment. The reason being that in 1944, 30 parked tanks were ambushed by Germans while the British soldiers were having a tea break outside their tanks. After this incident the British realised that this couldn’t keep happening. So, from then on, all British tanks have had tea-making equipment!


Servants of the Egyptian pharaohs used to smear themselves with honey!


The pharaohs used to order their servants to smear their bodies. This was done so that the flies flying around would be attracted to only the servants and not the pharaohs!

 Before the 19th century dentures were made from dead soldiers’ teeth!

Dentures are fake teeth used by mainly elderly people who have lost their teeth because of old age. But did you know dentists in the 1800s used dead soldiers’ teeth to make dentures?! After the Battle of Waterloo, many French dentists flocked to the battlefield to scavenge for teeth! Ewww!

