History for the Tummy (Podcast)

How did food become lip-smacking? Find out how some everyday snacks were invented with the Curiologist! 


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Hello everyone,

This is Arjun. I hope you have been enjoying my earlier podcasts and posts. Today I have brought to you another interesting podcast. This podcast is about the history of 3 food items. Now, that you know what I am going to tell you today, let’s jump into the world of food.

Chocolate- We all must have tasted chocolate whether in ice creams or in cakes, but do you know where chocolate originates from? It is believed that the first cacao trees- the plants from which we obtain chocolate, were cultivated in 1400 BC in Honduras in South America. The Aztecs, a tribe from Central Mexico, used to cultivate cacao in a large quantity. The Aztecs called chocolate xocoatl which when translated into English means ‘bitter water’. To make the chocolate tastier the Aztecs drank the chocolate with chillies. When the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, they were introduced to chocolate. The Spanish mispronounced the word ‘xocoatl’, and instead called it ‘chocolatl’. When the Spanish took chocolate back to Spain it caught on and new additions were added to it. Soon, chocolate was no more had with a chilli, instead the chilli was replaced by ingredients like vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon. The dish also spread to England where the English called it ‘chocolate’. This is how ‘xocoatl’ transformed into the ‘chocolate’ we know of today. My favourite chocolate is a milk chocolate with rose flavour that I bought in Rome. Yum! Now, let’s go to another tasty and equally popular food item.

Mayonnaise- We all have eaten mayonnaise sauce, whether in sandwiches or in salad dressings. However, did you know how mayonnaise was invented? In 1756 the French army under their commander, Duc de Richelieu conquered the port town of Mahon in Minorca, in the Balearic Islands from the British. To celebrate his success, Richelieu asked his chef to prepare a banquet. Unfortunately, the cook wasn’t able to find any cream so that he could make a French sauce. Fortunately, he found that a local ingredient called aïoli- a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil, egg yolk and raw garlic, was suitable if the garlic was removed. Later, when the sauce was served at the banquet, Richelieu liked it so much that he named it ‘mahonnaise’ to commemorate his victory (Mahon- mahonnaise get it!). Later, the name evolved into ‘mayonnaise’. This is how mayonnaise was invented. Now, can you guess what the next dish is going to be? If you said sandwiches, then your right!

We all have eaten different kinds of sandwiches, like mayonnaise sandwiches or cheese sandwiches. But did you know how it was invented? The sandwich was invented in 1762 in Sandwich, England. The 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu loved to play cards. He was so fond that he didn’t even want to stop for lunch. So, he asked his cook to make a dish that comprised of meat and cheese in between two slices of bread, which he could he eat while playing with the other hand. The earl popularised the dish and soon people in London were eating it too. It is thought by some historians that John Montagu got the idea from somewhere else. The earl had travelled throughout the Mediterranean, and he may have got the idea from the Turkish and Greek mezze platters which have dishes in which dips, cheeses and meats are ‘sandwiched’ between two slices of bread.

And with that we come to the end of my 5th podcast. I hope you enjoyed it and will share it with your friends and family. Goodbye and see you next time!


