Human Alarm Clocks


Before alarm clocks were invented there were people called knocker-uppers!

Today most of us wake up using an alarm clock or an alarm on our mobile phones. However, have you ever thought what people would have used before alarm clocks or mobile phones were invented? To wake themselves in time for work, people hired knocker-uppers. The knocker-uppers used tools such as long sticks, rattles or even pea-shooters to wake up the people who had hired them! Did you know that knocker-uppers were popular up until the 1970s!


Gladiators became celebrities in Rome!


Roman gladiators who survived the cruel sport, soon became celebrities- just like a lot of athletes in today’s time also become celebrities. And some would even endorse products like clay toy figures of themselves! Romans were really modern.


Charlie Chaplin didn’t win a look-alike contest of himself!


All of us know about the comedy actor, Charlie Chaplin. But, did you know that he came 20th in a look-alike contest of himself?! It is said that he didn’t have his famous moustache and boots on. So, maybe that’s why he didn’t win.





  1. Nice Article. Well Studied and written.

    Kids wake up clock

  2. Knockers uppers till 1970 😲

    Wow! Roman athletes endorsing Products😎

    Charlie Chaplin, with out his funny moustache... unimaginable πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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