Curioquiz VI


1. Did George Washington chop down his father’s cherry tree?

a) Yes  b) No  c) Maybe


2. Which of these objects was the currency of the Aztecs?

a) Bananas  b) Tacos  c) Cacao beans 


3. Poor Romans ate which of the following foods?

a) Porridge  b) Pizza  c) Caesar salad


4. Julius Caesar was kidnapped by which of the following people?

a) Pirates  b) Roman senators  c) Augustus Caesar


5. The Mayans were one of the first people to use which number?

a) 100   b) 0   c) 5




No- It is popularly believed that George Washington chopped down his father’s cherry tree. However, this is a myth, and it was added by Washington’s biographer to show his honesty.


Cacao beans- Cacao beans were the common barter currency used to exchange clothes or food. Another barter currency that was used were textiles.


Porridge- Poor Romans ate porridge and as well as bread, vegetables and soup. Meat and shellfish were a luxury, unless they lived in the countryside and could go hunting or fishing. Bread was sometimes dipped in wine and eaten with olives, cheese, and grapes.


Pirates- In 75 B.C.E Julius Caesar was travelling to Rhode to study oratory. While, in the Aegean Sea his ship was attacked by Sicilian pirates who took him captive and demanded a ransom for his release. When he was living with the pirates, he started bossing them around and shushing them when he wanted to sleep!


0- The Mayans invented the number ‘0’ in the year 4 A.D. They represented the number with a empty shell.

Now its time for the prizes:

If you got all 5 right, then you should try starting your own blog. 

If you got 4 right, then you’re a Curiologistly certified History Geek!

If you got 3 right, then you’re a Good Historian.

If you got 2 right, then good work, but keep trying.

If you got 0-1 right, then you're reading the right blog, you should get all 5 right the next time you answer a Curioquiz.

