The Animal Bomb Extinguisher


A Great Dane was awarded the Blue Cross Medal!

The Blue Cross Medal is a medal awarded to pets who have saved a human’s life. One such animal who was awarded the medal was, a Great Dane named Juliana for extinguishing a bomb by peeing on it!


Coffee became popular in the U.S.A only after 1773!

Today most of us all around the world are familiar and even drink coffee. But did you know that coffee only became popular in the U.S.A after 1773?! In the 1770s relationships between the British and the American colonists had started growing weaker. As a protest some American colonists threw boxes of British tea into the ocean at Boston harbour, Massachusetts. This protest was called the Boston Tea Party. As an act of support and patriotism people started drinking coffee instead of tea!


Jeannette Rankin became a member of the Congress before women were allowed to vote!

Today men and women in most countries can vote. However, before 1920, female citizens in the U.S.A were not allowed to vote. But did you know that Jeannette Rankin was sworn into the American Congress in 1916! A full 4 years before women could vote!





  1. Very informative and interesting information.
    Would love to read more .

  2. Extremely funny...Great Dane Juliana peeing on the Bomb 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Boston Tea Party & Coffee 🤓🤓 That’s news 👍🏻

    Women voting.. didn’t know it 👏👏


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