The Whip Medicine


People in London believed whipping yourself was a way to avoid getting the plague!

The plague was a disease that ravaged Europe on many occasions in the Middle Ages. However, did you know that people in London believed whipping yourself was a way to avoid getting the plague?! People at that time believed that the plague had been sent by God, to punish humans for their evil deeds. So, instead of being punished by God, people started punishing themselves by whipping!

Queen Victoria had to hold someone’s hand whenever she walked down the stairs!

Queen Victoria was a British monarch who ruled in the 19th century. However, did you know that Queen Victoria had to hold someone’s hand whenever she walked down the stairs?! Queen Victoria had to do this because of the rules set down by her mother and her mother’s adviser. She had to follow this rule till she became Queen!


King Richard the Lionheart said he’d sell London if he could find someone to buy it!

King Richard the Lionheart or Richard I was a king of England in the 12th century. However, did you know that King Richard the Lionheart said he’d even sell London if he could find someone to buy it?! King Richard I needed the money to fund his military campaign in the Crusades (a series of religious wars that had the objective of recovering the Holy Land from Islamic rule). Fortunately, the king didn’t find a buyer who could pay such a big amount of money.


  1. How silly to whip yourself as punishment 🤓

    But why did the Queen Mother insisted?

    London for sale 😢
    Interesting !


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